Leachate Quality

MBT waste processing leachate a waste of money

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste and Why MBT is an Unjustified Waste of Money

In a research project completed on behalf of the UK Environment Agency data was collected data and leachates were sampled from EU landfills that had received imports of MSOR (Mechanically Sorted Organic Refuse) and Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) wastes, several years ago. The results of the sampling exercise were analysed for, the presence of trace […]

reverse osmosis recirculation

Is Long-Term Recirculation Of Leachate Concentrate From Reverse Osmosis Treatment Sustainable?

The Reverse Osmosis process is unique, it alone consistently removes salts (salinity) from leachate, apart from prohibitively energy expensive, physical evaporative methods, so it is an obvious candidate for leachate treatment.

Landfill leachate composition - image for page

Landfill Leachate Composition

Landfill leachate composition for United Kingdom Landfills was first published in the Waste Management Papers published by the UK Department of Environment. Waste Management Paper 26 contains the most recent table of Landfill Leachate Composition before the WMP series was superseded by later documents, notably the DoE’s Leachate Report of 1995. However, the original table, […]

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste

In recent years there has been a trend toward MSW leachates from Sanitary Landfills throughout the world becoming more similar, however, as Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) is increasingly implemented and more Mechnanically Sorted Organic Residue (MSOR) [also known as “residual waste”] is produced in the supply area for a landfill, so the leachate quality of the landfill will change.