leachate flow
Leachate Recirculation Practise and Views
To the site operator leachate recirculation would certainly appear like commonsense as some of the leachate recirculated will be taken in by the waste and not re-appear. The leachate will gain some treatment – especially a significant reduction in BOD and COD by anaerobic digestion within a methanogenic landfill. In addition, if leachate is being […]
What is the Drainable Porosity of a Landfill?
When designing any leachate management system the assessment of the most economic method for leachate treatment and disposal is heavily dependent upon the flow rate and duration of flow. A high capital cost option such as on site leachate treatment will be worthwhile, but only if the total volume the plant treats daily is sustained […]
Leachate Recirculation
Leachate recirculation in the form of pumping leachate from the base of a cell back up into the top of the waste has been practised in the past, and continues to be used, at the majority of landfills.