biological treatment
How to Treat Landfill Leachate Using a Saltworks Crystallizer System
Until now, the search for the perfect Leachate Treatment System has remained a dull one for those that know leachate. Somehow, all those contaminants it contains have contrived to make the most commonly used solutions highly complex, dependent on advanced technologies, and hard to operate successfully. Read about the new technology in the SaltMaker Evaporator Crystallizer, for something completely new!
Sanitary Landfill Leachate Past and Future
INTRODUCTION Within the last many years there have actually been major advances in the variety, engineering, and control of landfill sites; however, it is still a fact that at many sites the generation of very polluting sanitary landfill leachates is still a significant possible environmental problem to be conquered. Although research and experience continue to […]
How Do You Treat Leachate?
First of all when asked the question, “How Do You Treat Leachate?”, we would like to make a distinction between true treatment which involves converting environmentally damaging substances to less, or non-toxic, ones, and simply concentrating the contaminants from the water in leachate to give a volume reduction. In the water industry both are known as […]
Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste
In recent years there has been a trend toward MSW leachates from Sanitary Landfills throughout the world becoming more similar, however, as Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) is increasingly implemented and more Mechnanically Sorted Organic Residue (MSOR) [also known as “residual waste”] is produced in the supply area for a landfill, so the leachate quality of the landfill will change.