
MBT waste processing leachate a waste of money

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste and Why MBT is an Unjustified Waste of Money

In a research project completed on behalf of the UK Environment Agency data was collected data and leachates were sampled from EU landfills that had received imports of MSOR (Mechanically Sorted Organic Refuse) and Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) wastes, several years ago. The results of the sampling exercise were analysed for, the presence of trace […]

leachate indicator parameters

The 3 Most Important Leachate Indicator Parameters

There are three very important leachate indicator parameters which are used as indicators to identify leachate contamination in any water sample analysed in a water quality laboratory. These three parameters can give an initial guide to anyone investigating what appears to be pollution occurring in the vicinity of a landfill, as to whether the source […]

High Strength Leachate

When people refer to high strength leachate they are normally referring to the landfill leachate from a sanitary landfill which has percolated slowly through the waste. That is leachate and has been extracted by the leachate collection and pumping system. Usually high strength leachate has ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations above 500 mg/l up to 3.500 mg/l, […]

Landfill leachate composition - image for page

Landfill Leachate Composition

Landfill leachate composition for United Kingdom Landfills was first published in the Waste Management Papers published by the UK Department of Environment. Waste Management Paper 26 contains the most recent table of Landfill Leachate Composition before the WMP series was superseded by later documents, notably the DoE’s Leachate Report of 1995. However, the original table, […]

Leachate Lagoon

How Contaminants Leach Out of Landfill Waste and Into Leachate

A major problem arising from landfills is the discharge of leachate which is formed by water passing through the tip and thus becoming contaminated with various organic and inorganic pollutants. The subsequent movement of the leachate into the surrounding soil, ground water or surface water could lead to severe pollution problems. The mechanisms by which […]

How Leachate Changes in a Landfill Over Time

Have you ever wondered why leachates can seem so different. Some leachate is cloudy, black, and smells strongly, while at other times it is fairly odorless and amber coloured?