expensive leachate

Image showing Full Scale SaltMaker Evaporator Crystalizer

How to Treat Landfill Leachate Using a Saltworks Crystallizer System

Until now, the search for the perfect Leachate Treatment System has remained a dull one for those that know leachate. Somehow, all those contaminants it contains have contrived to make the most commonly used solutions highly complex, dependent on advanced technologies, and hard to operate successfully. Read about the new technology in the SaltMaker Evaporator Crystallizer, for something completely new!


Construction Starts on the World’s Most Expensive Leachate Treatment Plant

Construction has started on the world’s most expensive leachate treatment plant which at $27 million will be the most expensive ever built in the world to date.  A number of plants are estimated to have been built at up to $15 million previously, but this one is significantly the most expensive in terms of the […]