off-site treatment

Air Ammonia Stripping

Air Ammonia Stripping is a leachate treatment process which is now largely outdated and seldom used. During the 1980s in the United Kingdom it was seen as a potential physico-chemical leachate treatment process which would be suitable for the treatment of leachate from sanitary (lined and capped) landfills, however, although a number of pilot scale […]

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste

Leachate Quality from Landfilled MBT Waste

In recent years there has been a trend toward MSW leachates from Sanitary Landfills throughout the world becoming more similar, however, as Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) is increasingly implemented and more Mechnanically Sorted Organic Residue (MSOR) [also known as “residual waste”] is produced in the supply area for a landfill, so the leachate quality of the landfill will change.