
Leachate collection system

How you can Select the Best Pipework Material for Leachate Collection Systems in Three Simple Steps

This article is to make it easy to have success in selecting the best pipework material for leachate collection systems.

Leachate extraction pump worker

Pumps and Impellers for Leachate Extraction and Leachate Pumping

Popular pump types used for leachate extraction and pumping systems is the submersible centrifugal (vortex) type pump, and in particular in the UK the FLYGHT pumps model range.

Willow coppicing leachate treatment - A possible product is a willow fox like this!

The Use of Willow Coppicing for Leachate Treatment

WRc, has reported on field trials in Britain inquiring into the utilisation of short rotation coppice (SRC) willow to treat leachate. The method is in use at several UK landfills where it is reported to be a low cost sustainable meathod of leachate

Avoiding Over Reliance on the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Computer Program

“The person who walks with his/her eyes on the stars, is susceptible to the puddles in the road.” We all would like to follow our stars, but at times we need to do some “puddle watching” too! Sometimes we need to know what not to do, what things and actions to avoid, and why…

What is the Drainable Porosity of a Landfill?

When designing any leachate management system the assessment of the most economic method for leachate treatment and disposal is heavily dependent upon the flow rate and duration of flow. A high capital cost option such as on site leachate treatment will be worthwhile, but only if the total volume the plant treats daily is sustained […]

Leachate Lagoon

How Contaminants Leach Out of Landfill Waste and Into Leachate

A major problem arising from landfills is the discharge of leachate which is formed by water passing through the tip and thus becoming contaminated with various organic and inorganic pollutants. The subsequent movement of the leachate into the surrounding soil, ground water or surface water could lead to severe pollution problems. The mechanisms by which […]

Leachate Pumps – Leachate Pumping Systems

Leachate pumps and pumping technologies currently in use in landfills in the UK, and worldwide, are listed and explained.

Landfill Leachate Collection and Extraction

Leachate extraction embraces landfill site wells and boreholes, pumping systems, plus pipelines, leachate monitoring and control systems.

Leachate Recirculation

Leachate recirculation in the form of pumping leachate from the base of a cell back up into the top of the waste has been practised in the past, and continues to be used, at the majority of landfills.

How Leachate Changes in a Landfill Over Time

Have you ever wondered why leachates can seem so different. Some leachate is cloudy, black, and smells strongly, while at other times it is fairly odorless and amber coloured?